

Sawyer is a young male who was born some time in May. He, his mother, and siblings were living in the woods near a house in Gardiner. Unfortunately his mom and sibilings were too feral to adopt out, but this little love is a giant ball of affection.


One Response to “Sawyer”

  1. Shayne says:

    Just sending an update. Sawyer, aka Moto is doing great!!! He is enormous! Not fat (though he does like to eat) he is just a huge cat! He is also so loving and such a character! His feet are very big and he is pretty clumbsy, but it really adds to his charm.
    He and Sigmund (my other cat) play all the time, they are best pals. However, when Moto is tired, he curls up with Guapo, my chihuahua…never saw that one coming!
    Thank you for completing my family!

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